Comment 20 for bug 1362358

Revision history for this message
Andrew Pogrebennyk (andrew-nau-ua) wrote :

I'm not sure if this is of any help, but I've had trouble with Suyin webcam on my Asus laptop running the 3.16.0-31 kernel. Kernel 3.13.0-37.64 worked well...

Here is the hw id:
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 064e:9700 Suyin Corp.
in skype the video screen from me and remote was black and I noticed error
libv4l2: error dequeuing buf: Invalid argument
and guvcview didn't show any video either. It was just flooding the console with "Ignoring empty buffer ..." messages.

I've tried testing ppa from Paulo and after installing the following packages:
ii guvcview 2.0.1+ubuntu2~ppa1+1278-0ubuntu0~201501091246~ubuntu14.04.1 amd64 GTK+ base UVC Viewer
ii libguvcview-1.0-1:amd64 2.0.1+ubuntu2~ppa1+1278-0ubuntu0~201501091246~ubuntu14.04.1 amd64 GTK+ base UVC Viewer - runtime
the problem magically went away - in skype too..