Comment 8 for bug 1347835

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Craig (c-pkson) wrote : ✔better than ever

Hey friend,

I wanted to tell you that I'm doing fine, even better that ever, you may find the reasons of it here

Elisabeth Coulter

From: Bug 1347835 [mailto:<email address hidden>]
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 8:50 AM
To: <email address hidden>
Subject: to be rek'sai

Then you will continue to be part of the problem instead of the solution. Your choice 'shrug'

By what you say you seem to think that might makes right at the end of the day 'God's the most powerful, what he says goes, so I"ll stick with him no matter how many people disagree with him, because he has all the power anyways'

Guess what chief, I don't care if god can crush me with stray thought, Power does not equal Rightness. Might does not equal Justice. And Tyranny does not equal Morality.

I've read the bible. The god you worship is a MONSTER with all capital letters. You worship a demon that makes cthulu look like the teletubbies and you should be ashamed of it.

A moral being wouldn't send 2 she bears to rip apart 42 children for calling an old man bald.

A moral being wouldn't ruin Job's life and kill all his family over a bet with the devil.

A moral being wouldn't drown the entire planet, including innocent children and animals because he was throwing a hissy fit at man not obeying him.

A moral being wouldn't send anyone, ANYONE, not even Satan, to a place to burn and suffer for all eternity, because eternal punishment CAN NEVER be just.

I could go on for hours and describe in details the depravity, evil, and horror of your god, but this is enough I think.

I hope you one day wake up and reject your beliefs as the evil they are. Know that when you do, we'll be waiting to embrace you and welcome you to reality.

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