Comment 0 for bug 1338277

Revision history for this message
Thiago Martins (martinx) wrote : QEmu makes Windows 2008 guests to crash (BSOD)


I'm trying to run Windows 2008 as a QEmu / KVM guest on my Ubuntu 14.04 but, after weeks of tests, I figured out that it simple doesn't work, KVM makes Windows 2008 to crash, and it is not a Windows fault, it is a QEmu bug, I'm pretty sure it is...

Lab environment (5 servers):

3 physical servers: Dell R610

2 physycal servers: IBM x3650

* Where Windows crash (5 servers tested) ?

Ubuntu 14.04 + QEmu 2.0 + VirtIO 0.1-81 = Windows 2008 crash every hour

* Where Windows do not crash (5 servers tested) ?

Ubuntu 14.04 + Xen 4.4 + gplpv_Vista2008x64_1.0.1092.9 = Windows working smoothly

So, after removing QEmu from my environment, and using Xen instead, all Windows guests are now running without any crash.

What kind of information, can I provide for you guys, to deep debug this QEmu problem ?

Plus, it is interesting to note that a lot of times, all Windows guests (on top of QEmu / KVM) crashed at the exactly the same time! So, it can not be a problem within each Windows guest, but at the Hypervisor itself!

Also, it worth to mention that this problem is probably affecting any OpenStack IceHouse cloud out there, based on Ubuntu + KVM...

