Comment 12 for bug 1332444

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In , Michal Navratil (f-josef) wrote :

when a rudder pedals (e.g. 06a3:0763 Saitek PLC Pro Flight Rudder Pedals) are connected, the /dev/input/jsX and /dev/input/eventX are created. The problem is, that while jsX device has 644 permissions (enybody can read), the eventX device is available only to root, while any other joystick-like device receives ACLs for the current user.

If I'm not mistaken, the culprit is in the joystick detection heuristics - it looks for some axes and buttons, while these devices have only three axes.

Would it be possible to either extend the joystick detection heuristics to handle such devices (CH products pedals reportedly behave the same) or to create some exceptions for them, so these devices would work out of the box?

Please let me know if you need any more informations.
Kind regards,

Michal Navratil