Comment 46 for bug 132042

Revision history for this message
Dan Buch (meatballhat) wrote :

I've been running NetworkManager in the foreground (in a screen session) for a few days now without any downtime... until a few minutes ago. Upon waking from standby (from laptop lid being closed,) network reconnected but then went into the familiar "attempt reconnect -> prompt for creds -> repeat" loop after 2 minutes or so. I let it loop a few times, but then decided to kill wpa_supplicant based on the error message in the logs frequently mentioning "supplicant" :-P Once wpa_supplicant re-spawned the network immediately reconnected. Could this indicate there's an issue with a stale pipe or socket wrt wpa_supplicant? It's probably worth noting that the PID of wpa_supplicant when I TERM'd the process was 1033, which (I think) seems to indicate it was one of the earliest processes spawned since last boot.