Comment 44 for bug 132042

Revision history for this message
Dan Buch (meatballhat) wrote :

Since adding previous comment, I've installed rtl8192ce from source (from
Realtek's "92ce_se_de_linux_mac80211_0004.0816.2011.tar.gz".) The wifi is now
working beyond its previous lifetime. The only strange behavior I've seen so
far is that I was presented with *3* dialog windows for re-entering wifi
credentials even though I could see that the wifi icon wasn't "thinking" with
the arcs pulsing in and out. I clicked `Connect` on all three windows (with
cached credentials still entered) and everything still worked fine. I'd been
presented with the credential input windows before reinstalling rtl8192ce,
although it was never more than one at a time, the wifi icon was always
"thinking", and I was never able to successfully reconnect (having to reboot

I'm happy to dig into this further (with my very limited knowledge of kernel
internals) if someone more knowledgeable can point the way. I've already tried
turning up NetworkManager's logging both via NetworkManager.conf and by adding
the necessary flags to /etc/init/network-manager.conf but it either didn't work
or (more likely) I have no idea where to look for log output (would it be
/dev/null'd when launched via upstart?)