Comment 8 for bug 1315360

Revision history for this message
Matthew Williams (matthew-p-williams-98) wrote :

This solution worked for me. Both two-finger scrolling and two-finger-tap right click are working. You will want to have install make, git, and build-essential. Git may ask for a username/password the first time, so you might want to set up your github account beforehand (I've attached the solution as an attachment to this message if you choose not to use git). Then type the following commands in a terminal without quotes:

 Navigate to the home directory
"cd ~/"

Use git to download source files
"git clone -b rb14"

 (enter username and password if it asks for it)

Enter inside the directory of the downloaded files:
"cd hid-rmi"

Use sudo to build and install:

"sudo make"
"sudo make install"

You will get a message after typing "make install." It will say something about a private key missing and DEPMOD. This doesn't mean it did not install, so ignore it. Then type:

"sudo depmod -a"

Trackpad scrolling and two-finger tap should work. I'm using Kubuntu 14.04 with standard kernel.