Comment 34 for bug 1314787

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GVS (gvscheik1-g) wrote : Re: [Bug 1314787] Re: Memory leak

Guys: I know that some of you think that this issue exists independent
of kernel version. Personally, that is simply not correct. Of course I
can only go on my own detailed experience as there is no official
response to this issue. However, I can reproduce the issue at will. I
can also get rid of it at will ... and that should tell you something.

1) I do NOT have this issue in any way shape or form using kernel
branches 3.12, or 3.14.

2) Installing kernels from the 3.13 or 3.16 (I have not bothered with
3.15 branches) branches result in the issue instantly back.

3) AMD has well documented kernel support issues. AMD fglrx integrates
itself into the kernel... so how can it NOT be a kernel issue?

At least be willing to try the 3.14 branch. Version 3.14.39 is
available for download here:

It is easy to install and easy to purge if it does not work for you.
Instructions were given in one of my recent posts.

Gordon VS
<email address hidden>

On 15-04-21 06:50 AM, Mediaklan wrote:
> I was able to reduce (but not solved) the leak somehow, for 3 days now, using swappiness. I have slightly icreased my swap partition, and setup like this :
> cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
> sudo sysctl vm.swappiness=40
> sudo mousepad /etc/sysctl.conf
> # confirm you have this line :
> vm.swappiness=40
> Now for the strange part : Memory leak is still happening, gradually reaching 40% as I am using my laptop more and more. But once it reaches 40%, the memory leak won't go any further and i don't see my swap increasing neither (which I found very strange, I chech and recheck, swap is all well and active). Xorg is still the higher ram eater (but not the only one eating ram), but now, it seems stuck to 40% which, at least prevents the need to reboot my laptop as often as before.