Comment 20 for bug 1314787

Revision history for this message
GVS (gvscheik1-g) wrote :

How I stopped the Xorg memory leak (or slowed it down enough to not notice it):

1) I Did NOT update to latest Network-Manager-Gnome update (
2) I updated the kernel via system updates to Generic Linux kernel
3) Installed latest AMD ATI Drivers 14.8 available here:
4) I did everything exactly as follows:

NOTE!!!! This worked well for me. I cannot promise success for you. However, I thought I would share this because the memory leak basically made my system unusable. Hopefully it will work on your system as well. Good Luck!

To stop system updates from updating to NMG, either edit or create the file “/etc/apt/preferences” and add these lines (note that even a system upgrade using apt will leave them alone. Reboot.):

Package: network-manager-gnome
Pin: version
Pin-Priority: -1

Package: libnm-gtk-common
Pin: version
Pin-Priority: -1

Package: libnm-gtk0
Pin: version
Pin-Priority: -1

Kernel update: Use Timeshift, Clonezilla, or some other reliable app to back things up!!!

Next, and for pete's sake, uninstall your proprietary ATI drivers BEFORE updating the kernel or you will likely pooch your system. Reboot, and update the kernel to the version above. Restart your system.

ATI 14.8 driver install: (I gathered off the 'net over a year or so ago. I do not remember who posted it, but the credit is his.)

Install the following dependencies in order using the command lines below:
sudo apt-get install dh-modaliases
sudo apt-get install execstack

Assuming you downloaded the ATI 14.8 drivers from the above link, extract the ZIP file and open a terminal in the extract folder.

Build the install debs by typing the following at the command prompt (note, this will take quite a long time so be patient):
sudo sh ./ --buildpkg Ubuntu/trusty

To install the packages type the following at the command prompt in the folder where the package are:
sudo dpkg -i fglrx*.deb

(Note, if you get a error message saying that you have broken dependencies, follow the on-screen instruction to repair them. This will be “apt-get install -f”. Let it finish and then retype the “sudo dpkg -i fglrx*.deb” command.

When the install is finished, enable your new settings by typing the following at the command prompt:
sudo aticonfig --initial -f

Restart your system.

You should now have your AMD Catalyst Control Center icons in your menus. AND, the Xorg issue should no longer dominate your Ubuntu usage.

Backup your working config!