Comment 106 for bug 1309578

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asheeq subratty (asheeqsubratty) wrote :

FIXED restarting problems - I think it was a graphics driver Isssue

CPU: AMD APU A86500 3.5ghz
2x4gb DDR3 RAM HyperX blu 1866mhz
Asus HD6670 1GB DDR5 discrete graphics card

Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit on Mushkin 60gb SSD
Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit on Seagate 320 GB HDD 7200rpm

SSHD Seagate Hybrid drive 1TB
O/S : Dual boot Windows 7 home premium 64 bit, Ubuntu 14.04 64bit

Hi there, i am a casual user of Ubuntu since 2010 with dual boot of Windows in almost all of my systems. I have used Ubuntu 10.04, 12.04, and now 14.04. I am a newbie in techinical terms, so please excuse the lack of clarity.

Initially i had problems installing Ubuntu 14.04 on the above new built in May 2014 alongside windows 7, both live cd and usb would load to install screen and restart constantly. After a few installation trials i gave up. however i successfully installed Ubuntu 12.04 64bit on the SSD and ran it for months no major issues, and my windows 7 boted fine on the normal hdd Today i wanted to upgrade to 14.04 as i migrated both my OS to my new SSHD Seagate 1TB, my SSD started to fail and i sent it back to Muskin, good after sales service, still waiting for replacement. Had to do boot repair for the old dual boot though, worked fine after that.

It installed fine after a couple of installation trials when it would just restart automatically. Then during the post installation things to do it kept restarting numerous times. So I restarted on safe mode Linux 3.13.0-xx-generic (Recovery Mode), then booted with normal mode, when to additional drivers, unselected 'Using X AMD/ATI display driver wrapper from xerver-xorg-video-ati (open source, tested)', then selected the last option at the bottom 'Using Video driver for the AMD graphics accelarators from fglrx-updates (proprietary)', rebooted and voila, problem fixed so far. I have been using it now for four hours and no restarting at all, cannot speak for longer term, i will post back daily to confirm or correct.

Good luck...