Comment 8 for bug 1295456

Revision history for this message
bundy (blazenbundy) wrote :

Ok Christopher may I please start by saying that your recommendation caused me to have to clean slate the notebook!!!

It turns out that the style of UEFI BIOS flash software provided by the vendor in my region (south east asia) is and only can be run from a windows GUI, that being said however not even when I did this would the WinFlash application allow for the flashing to occur.

A very long story brought short would be to say multiple varied command line attempts created a disk error that I could not recover my Ubuntu from. So I clean slated the drive (loosing everything) with Windows 7 and fart arsed around with the vendor provided BIOS flash utility until I came to my senses and looked into how other regions were performing the action. It is with this research that I provide the following advise in the event someone else ever gets in as much poo as I was!!!

I'm pretty sure the above can only be performed on a windows operating system so make sure you befriend someone for the period of building the boot cd or have a virtual instance at your console!!!

I made an educated guess on which bios drive download to use based on the model and make numbers with the BIOS version being as close to my regions declared version.

With the above out of the way I may advise I have successfully updated the bios and have provided a screenshot of the information you were after.

Finally, I may confirm that the backlit keys are still not operational during Ubunutu lifecycle (they do light up pre operating system only and always did do this even prior to anything that has been tried).

