Comment 79 for bug 1290110

Revision history for this message
In , manuelkrause (manuelkrause-linux-kernel-bugs) wrote :

To be more accurate: The last triggered trip_point before suspend seems to be taken as the one to focus as next after suspend. But there is no correlation to lower fan speeds. It's lost, then?

I can pass this trip point upwardly and the fan goes to the related level. Going below, it may go to 0 fan speed.

The higher fan numbers (what are the fan's speed levels on here, but in vice-versa order, 04: is 24% fan; 03: 34%; 02: 45%; 01: 58%; 00: 100%) come up as 0 then (B).

Meaning with the help of the "tmon" tool:

(A) At boot everything is ok (for all the mentioned kernels):

ID Cooling Dev Cur Max Thermal Zone Binding │
│00 Fan 0 1 │││││││││││ ││││*││││││ │││││││││││ │││││││││││ ││││││││││││ │
│01 Fan 1 1 │││││││││││ │││*│││││││ │││││││││││ │││││││││││ ││││││││││││ │
│02 Fan 1 1 │││││││││││ ││*││││││││ │││││││││││ │││││││││││ ││││││││││││ │
│03 Fan 1 1 │││││││││││ │*│││││││││ │││││││││││ │││││││││││ ││││││││││││ │
│04 Fan 1 1 │││││││││││ *││││││││││ │││││││││││ │││││││││││ ││││││││││││

(B) At resume NOT ok:

│00 Fan 0 1 │││││││││││ ││││*││││││ │││││││││││ │││││││││││ ││││││││││││ │
│01 Fan 1 1 │││││││││││ │││*│││││││ │││││││││││ │││││││││││ ││││││││││││ │
│02 Fan 0 1 │││││││││││ ││*││││││││ │││││││││││ │││││││││││ ││││││││││││ │
│03 Fan 0 1 │││││││││││ │*│││││││││ │││││││││││ │││││││││││ ││││││││││││ │
│04 Fan 0 1 │││││││││││ *││││││││││ │││││││││││ │││││││││││ ││││││││││││

This is affecting suspend-to-ram, too, on here.
(I've already reported this symptom at the beginning of this thread
~ Comment 3.)

@Guenter: Do I really need to dig out kernels from before 3.12?

Best regards, Manuel