Comment 84 for bug 1270676

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Oleksij Rempel (olerem) wrote :

Hm... just note to my self and other users:
- i still hardly working in my "free" time to make au6621 to work with mainline kernel mmc framework. It is still not working, even if i reproduce all register access, but not in the same order as original driver. It is just impossible to do it same way. The au6601 should still work.
- for now, if I recalculate time I spend on this driver to € which I normally get for this kind of work, I would get at least 10 of really expensive laptops. So I think it is not the way, some thing should be done.
- I feels like I send wrong signal to Vendors and Users. Users think, there are always, some one who will do it. Vendors understand only language of money. If users still pay money to vendors for HW without drivers and expect, some one will make it for free, then it is really wrong.
- I need to admit, I would never be able to make upstream version of driver perfectly work. Vendors working on SD/MMC protocol have tools and people to make sure, it will work at least on 50% of all devices and pass certification. I would be able to make it work on 3-10 SD cards in my home collection and be really happy with it.
- If person who gave me au6621 HW will accept it, i would spend one more month on it. And if there are no acceptable results, I will stop to work on this driver.