Comment 38 for bug 1265544

Revision history for this message
tehownt (tehownt) wrote :

Hello and thanks for the help.


I have display for the kernel 3.13.0-031300rc3-generic #201401081512 built against commit c26fe8e5eb34c18aa9ab60fcf4c3150663a52306

I will test the display dim/sleep issue and report.

Messages about driver/module error still present in Xorg.log (same as with intel-994 kernel).

[ 13.946] (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)
[ 13.956] (EE) NOUVEAU(G0): Error creating GPU channel: -19
[ 13.957] (EE) NOUVEAU(G0): Error initialising acceleration. Falling back to NoAccel

I will also try to install nvidia driver stack and report.