Comment 53 for bug 1250605

Revision history for this message
Alessio Gatti (volperossa) wrote :

I'm not sure I did everything right (I'm not an expert in Linux), but my attempts to apply the patch of THIS thread were always unsuccessful: I could not compile / add the module and the SD card reader was dead.

It was only when I applied the same manupulations described in post #1 directly to the driver files provided by Realtek in their site, but FOR A DIFFERENT CARD that my PC could use the SD card.

In full honesty I think there is a chance that the COMBINATION of the two actions (failure to install this 3d patch + attempt to install the driver from Realtek site) may have worked.

thank you very much for your interest and support in this issue. Unfortunately I'm far from my PC for a while, but I'll definitively do what you suggest as soon as I can put my hands on it again. So, be patient with me: this may take still some days (busy week ahead!).
