Comment 17 for bug 1247723

Revision history for this message
penalvch (penalvch) wrote :

Սահակ, to maintain a respectful atmosphere, please follow the code of conduct - . Bug reports are handled by humans, the majority of whom are volunteers, so please bear this in mind.

With this in mind, as skilled developers know, the purpose of a regression test is to find out if this is simply a matter of reversing a commit, build on the foundation of the regression commit, or this has happened as far back as one could test (typically Lucid). This type of information is vital to a developer in diagnosing and fixing the issue.

As well, I've seen regressions go unfixed as back as far as Jaunty/9.04, going into current kernel releases.

Hence, presuming asking for a regression test is unreasonable is counter productive to getting a bug solved.

Regarding usb-creator-gtk crashing, this is a known issue -> .

A WORKAROUND to burning an ISO to USB is:
sudo dd if=custom-backup.iso of=/dev/sdb ibs=10M obs=20M

where the following is replaced by your ISO name:

and the following is replaced with your USB drive location: