Comment 0 for bug 1201092

Revision history for this message
maxadamo (massimilianoadamo) wrote :

- Firt of all I would like to mention that this bug as been also raised for Red Hat.
Here is the link:

- I am running Ubuntu Raring (with the kernel 3.8.0-27-generic), but NOTE that I've also tried the new kernel 3.10 from Ubuntu Saucy.

- It happens with the following CPU: AMD E-350D

- The kvm-ok executable says that the system is capable of running KVM, but it also says the it's disabled in the BIOS.

- This is the out put of kvm-ok:
# kvm-ok
INFO: /dev/kvm does not exist
HINT: sudo modprobe kvm_amd
INFO: Your CPU supports KVM extensions
INFO: KVM (svm) is disabled by your BIOS
HINT: Enter your BIOS setup and enable Virtualization Technology (VT),
      and then hard poweroff/poweron your system
KVM acceleration can NOT be used

- This is what modprobe kvm-amd says:
# modprobe kvm-amd
ERROR: could not insert 'kvm_amd': Operation not supported
root@yasna:~# dmesg |tail -n1
[ 2542.263745] kvm: disabled by bios