Comment 28 for bug 1198577

Revision history for this message
In , Benjamin Tegge (livewirebt) wrote :

Wow, thank you very much Alexander. I followed David's suggestion for a workaround ( to create the multichannel.conf profile and added the following to /lib/udev/rules.d/90-pulseaudio.rules:

# Behringer FCA610
ATTRS{idVendor}=="1397", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0003", ENV{PULSE_PROFILE_SET}="multichannel.conf"

I can use the device for the first time! :) I haven't read the entire thread yet, but it's very late and I need to get some sleep. Getting 6ch/5.1 playback functionality (and probably stereo input) is what I wanted from PulseAudio. (If really want to make use of all channels I'd look into JACK.) I will come back once I looked deeper into this.