Comment 24 for bug 119730

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pinepain (pinepain) wrote :

=) yeah, rtfm i thought u have not read man hdparm (sdparm), sry. about file size it was just in case, you know it's better to say it one more time than somebody will try to get 50mbps with 4gb of 4kb pics =)

ntfs in gnu is stone age. its a proprietary standard ant its support is limited so it's better to test your speed on full supported fs.

yeah, u r right with delay while copying to native hdd partition, but i think with copying to /dev/null you'll not get right results =) try to bkup / to /dev/null =) yeah, it takes more than io operations =)

5 and 20?? man, i have here 5 and 60 !!! it starts with 60 than drop down than up to 27-32 and stay there, but the average is ~27
i think hdd caching makes such differences. anyway, only hdparm -tT give you real result. other vudu is still vudu, nothing more.
experience of GNU/Linux saz that you _must_ experiment! who saz "heavy fragmentation"? there is fsck =) it will helps you to prevent fragmentation, i hope =)

about bios, i dunno, but it helps me (and Fungyo, thx for feedback) and i write here to help other ppl. btw, my hdd sad he use udma6 but speed was under 5 mbps before tune hdd mode in bios from auto to udma6. but u can try and see results.

truly you, pinepain