Comment 0 for bug 1159258

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Jon Skanes (jon-skanes) wrote : The IOSCHED default of deadline combined with 4k page size causes poor performance in lightly configured systems.

I have a Dell Latitude D-420 notebook which has behaved miserably since sometime after I upgraded to Kubuntu 12.10.

I would be the first to admit that it's an older machine, however, the drop in performance was far to great and too rapid to make sense. I went so far as to take the machine apart thinking it was full of dust, as it started running hot enough to run the fan at top speed. It was almost dust free.

It is configured with an Intel dual core U2550, 1.2GHz processor, 2GB of ram, and a 1.8" 4200RPM PATA ZIF HDD. I wondered if the weak link was the hard drive. I borrowed a 128GB SSD and there was almost no improvement.

Activity as minimal as opening Google Chrome with two or three simple tabs and leaving it to sit with Akonadi and Nepomuk, to run in the back ground was enough to make it impossible to watch a full screen MP4 video. This is a far cry from a few months ago when I could have a dozen Chrome windows open, Kontact running, watching a full screen MP4 with no loss in quality, all while downloading at a speed which saturated my DSL connection.

What was even stranger was it was only moderately swapping out.

From there, I decided to investigate. The load average was regularly around 3. User load was only responsible for roughly 20% of an almost constant 100% CPU load. Combining this with the fact that swap used wasn't all that high, I started to dig a little deeper.

Interestingly, both regular memory usage AND buffer allocation were constantly high, with buffer allocation around 300MB. Disk cache hovered around a paltey 100MB. The cache didn't change by increasing vm.swappiness to 100, either. On top of it all, the Intel iwl3945 wireless adapter was loosing packets and constantly having to renegotiate WPA.

I ran vmstat for a while. Context switching was occurring roughly 1500 per second along with about 3000 software interrupts per second. From here, I looked into IOSCHED. As it turns out, linux-image-3.5.0-26-generic is configured to use the deadline scheduler, by default, as shown in /boot/config-3.5.0-26-generic:


Switching to CFQ improved the situation immensely, however, I was still getting far more kernel time using up the CPU, and the context switching was far too high.

I happened to come across documentation on the transparent hugepage system while I was reading up on IOSCHED and it hit me. For some reason the kernel was probably bogged down in memory fragmentation and huge page tables due to the 4k page side and the pressures of deadline scheduling with a rather slow hard drive. The hugepage system seems to do a wonderful job. I have it set to use a 2M page size. The system, itself, uses almost know resources, with khugepaged clocking in an insignificant 5:00m of CPU time in roughly six hours.

My poor old computer is now running as fast or faster then before this issue occurred. Switching between intensive applications such as having tens of Javascript heavy tabs like Facebook open in Chrome, bittorrent maxed out at about 500kB/s while using only encrypted connections, and watching a full screen MP4 flawlessly, rarely saturates CPU usage. The CPU is no longer mostly all kernel and wait time, either. Context switching has settled to a reasonable 500 to 700 switches per second. Buffer allocations are rarely higher than 25MB. As a bonus, the memory allocated for page tables has dropped from around 80MB to 20MB. Best of all, my fan is now back on low, and I can use the notebook without the risk of burns!

I realize that an aggressive scheduling approach is probably the way to go with new and resource rich hardware. however, with lightly provisioned systems it seems to create the perfect storm. After all, this notebook is still quite a bit more powerful than a recent tablet. If there is a wish to see Ubuntu running on hardware such as that, something will have to be done.

It could be as easy as a small script to assess resources, perhaps with each kernel update. and configure a more suitable default for these lighter systems.

Jonathan Skanes