Comment 372 for bug 1140716

Revision history for this message
In , Januszmk6 (januszmk6) wrote :

(In reply to comment #100)
> I have, I think, a reliable way to trigger this behavior, if that helps. It
> requires a non-trivial setup, though.
> I have gnome-shell running on dual monitors. The first is 1920x1200, the
> second is 1920x1080 (not sure if the resolution difference matters). If I
> run a full-screen game on The 1920x1200 monitor, I get freezes, and notes in
> the dmesg about hangcheck timers and kickrings ("stuck wait on blitter
> ring").
> I believe OpenGL acceleration of the desktop is important, because the
> freezes are not triggered in fluxbox, for instance. I'm not sure if the game
> itself needs to be using OpenGL, or if the full-screen window is the
> triggering factor, or something else entirely. It is important that the game
> keep the monitors distinct, and only go full screen on one. I just tried it
> on Battle for Wesnoth, and full screen there sets the monitors to mirror,
> which doesn't trigger the problem.
> This is on an i7 4770, if that matters.
> I realize this is may be difficult to put together for a test setup, but I
> thought I'd mention it.

I also have dual monitors and also gnome-shell, but I have on both 1920x1080px. I notice that when I am watching some videos on full screen on one monitor, this is happening more often (on non full-screen work, it's still happening)