Comment 260 for bug 1140716

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Martin D. Weinberg (martin-weinberg-5) wrote : Re: [regression] 3.5.0-26-generic and 3.2.0-39-generic GPU hangs on Sandybridge

That is correct. The default raring kernel will be very disappointing for people that are experiencing the problems outlined in this thread.

It seems that only >3.9.7 has a usable kernel for affected Sandybridge users (I am using a Lenovo X220). Even then, the bug remains at some level but it more of a minor inconvenience than a show stopper. I've settled on using 3.9.8 from the mainline ppa.

The 3.10.x series presents new drm prolems with Sandybridge (weird taring and rendering artifacs) so I would not recommend those either.