Comment 0 for bug 1136110

Revision history for this message
Tyson Tan (tysontan) wrote : Asynchronous USB DAC cracking sound in Linux kernel

1) The release of Ubuntu using
Ubuntu 12.10 64-bit.

2) The version of the package used

3) What you expected to happen
Audio being played smoothly without breaks and cracking sound.

4) What happened instead
After upgrading to Linux kernel 3.5.0-26-generic, one of my USB DAC (Digital Audio Codec) suddenly started to produce constently discontinous sound. Whenever there is audio being played by the system, the outcome would be always accompany with regular, stable, 5 to 6 times per second breaks. Both the system sound and songs from media player failed.

One of my USB DAC works under Asynchronous Mode (USB device host clock), the other one works under Synchronous Mode (Motherboard host clock). The Synchronous one worked as usual after the updrade, while the Asynchronous one did not.

I downgraded the package to the previous 3.5.0-26-generic, then everything went back to normal.