Comment 10 for bug 1102784

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tecu (tecu) wrote :


I found a kernel bug report ( ) with a possible workaround ( ), but there are some relevant points to make:

- I only found it when running Arch Linux where, for whatever reason, dmesg showed an error code (134217730) that I did not see on Ubuntu. It is possible it did not show up when I did a dmesg | grep PM .

- I do not know if this udev rule (the workaround) has any side effects beyond "making suspend work":
  ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="scsi", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="scsi_target", ATTR{power/async}="disabled"

- I have only tested it on Arch, where it Works For Me.

I can test it out on Ubuntu (within a few days or so) if you'd like, but it sounds like the kernel folks are working on a solution, so maybe that will not be necessary?