Comment 6 for bug 1097002

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jerrylamos (jerrylamos) wrote :

Here's Precise. Booted up, I looked closely, there was a "Disconnected" message followed shorty by "Connected". Attached is syslog showing that. All I had to do is wait a few seconds.

Raring today, there was a "Disconnected" and when I finally got tired of waiting, systems settings network manager said "out of range." Is that what it would get if it was trying to connect to hidden wireless without doing the encryption key etc.?

 Went through the drop down menus, nm eventually put up the network name which it had already, then nm put up the encryption key which it had already, and connected. It had all the information. It's as if there is nothing in the raring nm boot script to even try to connect to the already configured hidden wireless WPA network.

Why doesn't the raring nm boot script connect automatically like it does in precise?

I can't read nm scripts. Conceptually, raring nm should look at the configuration on boot, see there is a hidden wireless network configured, authenticate and connect. For some reason raring nm totally ignores the configuration then decides to "disconnect" without even trying to connect to the configuration that is already set up. Precise can do it, what changed (lots....)?

It's like Raring looks around, does not see any public network and gives up even though it does have all the info for connecting to hidden wireless WPA. Precise can do it, what got dropped out of Raring?

Thanks, Jerry