Comment 1 for bug 1069357

Revision history for this message
papukaija (papukaija) wrote : Re: Hardware keys change backlight brightness in much larger increments/steps than expected

Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Ubuntu better. We need some more information from you before we can start working on this bug.

Please run the following command which will attach necessary information:

apport-collect 1069357

Bear in mind that you may need to install the python-launchpadlib package from the universe repository with 'sudo apt-get install python-launchpadlib'. Additionally, when prompted to give apport-collect permissions for Launchpad you will need to give it at least the ability to "Change Non-Private" data as it will be adding information to your bug report.

If you are using an older release or cannot use apport please at least add the following information (pay attention to lspci's additional options):
First run the following commands:
1) uname -a > uname-a.log
2) dmesg > dmesg.log
3) sudo lspci -vvnn > lspci-vvnn.log
4) cat /proc/version_signature > version.log
then attach the files separately to the bug report (not pasted into comments or tar/zip-ed).

For your reference, the full description of procedures for kernel-related bug reports is available at Thanks in advance!