Comment 0 for bug 1046912

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mazerj (james-mazer) wrote :

I'm running into intermittent failure to connect to nearby
(strong signal) access points -- the AP's are visible, but network-manager
just spins trying to connect. It's extremely erratic. Rebooting the
machine sometimes fixed the problem, sometimes not. Last night I sat
on the couch and cold booted the machine 5-7 times. First time it
connected, rest of the times if failed (10ft away from the AP). It
seems to be worse following wake from suspend, but it's so
unpredictable I can't seem to track the cause down.

Windows7 connects ever time under the same conditions.

For completeness -- It's a brand new i5 xps13. I installed 12.04LTS
and then updated from the sputnik ppas. I've tried this under both
gnome and xfce4 (at first I thought this was an xfce4 problem, but
it doesn't appear to be).

Any ideas?