Comment 18 for bug 1018561

Revision history for this message
Manuel Irrschik (m-irrschik) wrote :

Im having this issue here on two identical SuperMicro X9DBL-iF based Serves with two Intel 82574L chips each.

Both systems are running on 12.04.2 LTS - Kernel 3.5.0-25 x86_64

We tried so far:
-) applying eeprom fix
-) adding kernel parameters (Kernel 3.5)
-) new kernel (3.8.0-25)

nothing helped, still getting packets "occasionally" dropped - e.g. stats for one system running for 2 months:

# ifconfig eth0
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet Hardware Adresse 00:25:90:9b:34:70
          inet Adresse: Bcast: Maske:
          inet6-Adresse: fe80::225:90ff:fe9b:3470/64 Gültigkeitsbereich:Verbindung
          RX packets:710697486 errors:0 dropped:575281 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:2469906608 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          Kollisionen:0 Sendewarteschlangenlänge:1000
          RX-Bytes:123575747734 (123.5 GB) TX-Bytes:3245008116186 (3.2 TB)
          Interrupt:16 Speicher:dfa00000-dfa20000

575.281 dropped are a lot...

Symptoms are:
-) flickering DRBD-link (connection dropped, then resync and back online again)
-) ssh hangs for 1-2 secs
-) ping times > 1 sec
-) various application specific problems due to packet drops

At the moment we don't know what else we could try... - how's the rest of you going?