Comment 34 for bug 1005226

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MvW (2nv2u) wrote :

I agree with madbiologist, although I understand that in some extend the same error (bug) could be a result of different hardware configurations, it all depends on the clarity and how fine grained the report itself is.

Something like my screen turns black sometimes without any back trace or apport report is useless, people shouting they encounter the same on that particular bug without any useful inside makes absolutely no sense. So I agree in this case people should file a new report.

Reporting your findings on a bug report from someone else clearly stating the problem, where some module breaks down in conditions we all can reproduce, seems logical to me.
We all can assume that the more specific the report gets, people with enough experience identifying the same issue are likely to encounter the same thing and help out identify the exact issue. They didn't get to this report with no reason.

In this particular case the correlation is quite clear and seems to be identified as a Marvell SATA driver misbehaving which, in combination with VT-d and the IOMMU kernel module, results in timeouts and not detected storage devices. IMHO resubmitting this bug will be less useful then helping identify it by users how encounter it as well. Especially since it has a bug report on stating the same thing. It also ups the heat of this bug making it more important.

We all can agree on some thing though, we are all here to help out making Linux better, so please remain focused doing just that. :)