Comment 4 for bug 268857

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tdflanders (thomasdelbeke) wrote :

So, about trying to sum up my findings.

I know my memory is just fine. I do suffer from the memtest86 bug. I have filed a comment there previously.

I will try to verify it know just one more time. I will try to recreat the aptoncdbug after I take out one of the 2 GB chips, than the other. I will also do memcheck86+ again, and tell you what the result is.

The problem is in my opion a BIOS problem.

My BIOS settings are:

Phoenix Trusted Core (tm)
BIOS Version: v1.23
VGA BIOS Version: 1264
KBC Version: 08.26

Virtualbox recognises the correct amount of memory, while gnome-system-monitor does not. I have described this earlier, also in the aptoncdbug (see above). I have added two screenshots about this, so I will not upload them again.

See the bug you closed down earlier:

I mind you again that I was able to find this bug again in my email, but not all of the others. I have deleted a lot, since I get about 50 replies a day of duplicate bugs, that other people have filed.

Now I have tried to bundle my ideas about this in the consolekit bug:

Hobsee thought it was unstructured and James does not understand me either.

I have referred to my post in the forum a couple of times before, but no one is reading it: