Comment 23 for bug 94161

Revision history for this message
Broderick (employeeno5) wrote :

I use the same computer. I'm using Ubuntu 7.10 though not Kubuntu

I have the same shutdown/restart hang, at least from how you described it. The desktop closes and I would be left with just a blank black screen until holding down the power button. For a long time I did not know what was up. However, I had another bug that was preventing me from seeing the shutdown splash screen.

Now when shutting down I get the orange meter emptying. Once it's empty, it sits there for a minute and then spits out the following output (I had to take this down by hand).


NetworkManager: <warn> nm_signal_handler(): Caught signal 15, shutting down normally.

NetworkManager: <info> Caught termination signal

NetworkManager: <debug> [120447559.667015] nm_print_open_socks(): Open Sockets List:

NetworkManager: <debug> [120447559.667015] nm_print_open_socks(): Open Sockets List Done.

NetworkManager: <info> Deactivating device eth0.

NetworkManager: <info> Deactivating device eth1


The underscore at the end is meant to represent the blinking cursor that will sit there and blink forever if I don't force my computers power off. So now I get this instead of the blank screen.

It makes sense though because when I have my wired connection plugged in the computer will hang on shutdown everytime without fail. If I'm connected wirelessly it will NEVER hang and always do a smooth shutdown/restart.

However, what to do about this problem I have no idea. I tried a variety of solutions offered up in this thread:

I have had no results. If you checkout this thread read it carefully because though this problem seems to eventually be identified as relating to the network manager, there are many other people posting in it with hangs that have different descriptions or are related to video drivers or other things.

I even at one point simply removed the network manger and reinstalled it later. I've had no results with anything; the problem remains consistent.
I don't know if this matches your issue or not, but seeing as how we have the same computer I thought it might be helpful.

Many thanks to everyone trying to work this out.