Comment 53 for bug 249340

Revision history for this message
Otto Kekäläinen (otto) wrote :


(how to replicate:) I've seen this issue with two of our company's (human) clients upgrading from 7.10 -> 8.04: The upgrade fails (freezes) and when the client reboots the machine it is no longer usable. Running dpkg --configure -a freezes while trying to generate locales. Killing the locale-gen-command with kill -1 or -9 switches does not work. Dpkg is also cramped since it cannot install dbus, and pretty much everything depends on it to install (and configure first).

1. reboot the machine using the older recovery mode (the newest kernel isn't fully installed and does not work properly)
2. run "mkdir /var/run/dbus" since it is missing and would otherwise stop package dbus from upgrading.
3. run "dpkg --reconfigure -a": It will finish installation of dbus and then locale-gen will work.
4. Reboot. Everything works.

Long-term solutions to avoid similar issues in future:
- Watch the dpkg-process: if it hangs for a long while, start automatic recovery processes. It is not good behaviour that a single bad behaving package configuration halts the entire system upgrade.
- Use info from "dpkg -C" to check what package is stopping dependency-ways installation of all other packages - then report to user the name of that package or show a pstree-kind of report of showstopper dependencies.
- Fix dbus package so that is will generate directory /var/run/dbus itselft if it is missing.