Comment 20 for bug 172300

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The Fold (stuart-luscombe) wrote : Re: Unable to boot 7.10 on abit ib9 due to ata xfermode

I too have had many issues running Ubuntu since Feisty on an Abit IB9 motherboard, receiving errors such as above.

I tried to install Hardy via Wubi and also received the same error. I decided to try the alternate cd to see if I would have any luck there.

Abit IB9
Intel Pentium D 2.66Ghz
4GB 800Mhz DDR2
1x 500GB SATAII drive
1x NEC DVDRW - IDE connector

At first it booted ok into the installer, which was further than I had gotten before and the install process completed successfully, however upon a reboot the system would not boot and it turned out that the boot sequence was for some reason detecting my USB external disk. I disconnected this and tried to re-run the installer, this time however it would not boot suggesting I tried the 'irqpoll' option on the boot line. I did this and got got into the installer but it would not find my hard disk at all.

I went into the BIOS and switched the IDE Bus Master mode to Disabled (Under Integrated Peripherals). I then ran the installer with the irqpoll and all_generic_ide options which then detected the HDD and installed OK. I ran a dmesg during this and there were none of the above errors showing.

After this install had finished and rebooted I again encountered the same error. I edited the boot line to add the irqpoll option and lo and behold everything booted up (and pretty quickly)!

I have tested also switching back on the IDE Bus Master mode and connecting my external disk during boot and neither have had any adverse affects.

Apologies for this long comment but I hope it is of some help. I'm happy to finally being able to run Ubuntu on this machine!!