Comment 139 for bug 22336

Revision history for this message
jojo4u (bugzilla-freedom-x) wrote :

Damn, no edit in launchpad.
Ok there is one error. For my suggested values it has to be:
sudo echo -n "115:0:100:60:0" > /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/*/trip_points

I'd suggest everybody to disable powernowd since the kernel gouvernors are more straighforward (

I'm not too sure about the interactions between powernowd, cpufreq and throttling. In theory a passive trip-point of e.g. 80 and a critical point of 90 should be sufficient and put less strain on the hardware. I don't know whether pownernod prevents throttling. And what about cpufreq throttling? Is it as effective as Thermal Monitor?

Btw, if your temperature is not read correctly, don't forget to enable polling temperature, as said before. (