Comment 2 for bug 126704

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David Freitas (jddcef) wrote :


Asus P5K-VM, Ubuntu 7.04, SATA HDD, PATA DVDRW, Core2 Duo E6750.

PROBLEM: Installs fine from bootable CD. Freezes (at splash) when starting up though. Just after loading SATA modules.

I don't think this is specific to Core2duo, but Story 17 on gave me the solution.

>>>>>>> FIX: Grub creates the incorrect entry for root, It was "root=/dev/hda1", but it must be "root=/dev/sda1"! <<<<<<<<<
That fixes the problem on my board!

In the grub menu, you can press "e" to edit the entry, then change to "root=/dev/sda1", then press "b" to boot it. This is a temporary change. When in Ubuntu, do a "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" and change it permanently at the bottom of that file somewhere.

Also check your BIOS is the latest version, said my E6750 was supported with a certain new version which I updated to.

Running "uname -a" once in Ubuntu, gives: "Linux def-desktop 2.6.20-15-generic #2 SMP Sun Apr 15 07:36:31 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux "