Comment 36 for bug 117314

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Andrew Waldram (andrew-waldram) wrote :

If you wish I can deliberatly bust my 2.6.20.-16.28 kernel to how it was.

then try noresume, Though I'm not sure that'll fix it as it depends on whether the noresume option is before the 'does image exist code'

I believe the initramfs kernel is functioning correctly

1 check if image exists
2 error partition not valid (/dev/sd1 in initranfs from conf file)
3 display error and await user input.

I think the problem is the use of UUID for swap partitions needs rethinking as the UUID will alter with fairly usual manipulation of the swap. this them breaks booting.

In my case its because I'd changed my initramfs to use /dev/sd1 but I'll bet my last Dollar that in most cases its because users have run mkswap which has changed their UUID .