Comment 23 for bug 117314

Revision history for this message
José Tomás Atria (jtatria) wrote :

There are various problems reported here.

One of them is related to the relabeling of storage devices form sd** to hd**, wich produces a IRQ problem, and then an error message about DMA interrupt and DMA interrupt recovery. This is all related to disks not been found or not been properly identified byt eh kernel.

Some people have said that they got it to boot by changing the refeernce in menu.lst back to hd** or using uuid's. I can confirm that this does NOT work on my system, as i use only UUID's references for my boot images. The still refuses to load and hangs right there.

I can also confirm that this problem affects the normal bot mode as well as the recovery mode. loads fine, no problems at all, using the exact same menu.lst and fstab files.

Besides that particular problem, there are people reporting issues with third party drivers, X server not loading and wireless cards failing to work. Please bear in mind that these issues are all related to modified kernel modules, and DO NOT apply to the kernel itself. it is quite normal to ahve to reconfigure yor kernel modules if you have made changes, like installing propietary graphic or wifi drievers. This is NOT the place to report these.

Please stay on topic in regards to the bug reported: kernel image fails to load and reports disk issues and DMA interrupts and recovery.

ps: i would submit a copy of the boot log, but i don't know how to recover it or reproduce it outside tty1. sorry.