Comment 15 for bug 112915

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juhis (jpahka) wrote :

So, I fixed the problem, here's the description. The bottom line, this wasn't a kernel bug (for me).

It seems to be, there were at least two bugs that I kept mixing up. The other was, that the kernel psmouse driver didn't recognize the Alps touchpad, so synaptics in xorg didn't work. It turns out this was not my problem.

My problem was probably more related to udev rules or the upgrade process or something. The problem was, that kernel changed the 'Handler' identification of the alps device in /proc/bus/input/devices between 2.6.17 (edgy) and 2.6.20 (feisty). This change, however, wasn't propagated through to the upgrade process so that my xorg.conf file would've been updated. So the end result was, that I had the wrong device listed the in xorg.conf file in the InputDevice section for the synaptics driver. I might've had some issues in the upgrade from edgy to feisty, I have a vague recollection, so maybe the upgrade process just didn't run cleanly for me, and the xorg.conf file wasn't updated properly.

The bottom line is however, that both the feisty and the gutsy kernel work for me now in my feisty installation, so this bug can be closed.

br, juhis