Comment 17 for bug 106864

Revision history for this message
Medya (medya) wrote :

I have the same problem ,
I re-burnt the CD with lowest speed possibe (8x) and i still get the same error.
and I DID check the CD's integrity and it said the CD has NO errors .

I have a DVD-ROM and CD-RW , and two IDE hard disks (one 160 GB and one 40GB)
I did something , I un-pluged the CD-RW and left the DVD-ROM alone , and the error changed completely
this time I didnt get those erros but I saw Ubuntu Logo and Progress Bar but it went forever and I didnt go forward ...

I hitted CTR+ALT+F1 and it showed me this repeating "error running install command binfmt_0000"

take a look at this too: