Comment 3 for bug 105729

Revision history for this message
Daniel Moyne (dmoyne) wrote :

Marco eventually I could download this kernel and make a try : it did boot but got stuck in the middle of the process with no clear error message but I had a fair idea about what was wrong from a fresh installation of Feisty from CD in parallele to this upgraded one ; I edited fstab and commented all hda* and hdb* partitions out (I recall that I use the following partitions sda1, sda2 and sda3 on this upgraded one) ; then I tried to boot again and this time I finally got through and could access my graphical session successfully.

Then I checked the content of /dev directory and oh surprise there are NO hda* or hdb* files ; what is funny is that on the Feisty distro mounted from CD in parallel on the following partitions :
- hda1 (/)
- hda2 (/home)
- hda3(/usr/local)

I have the same problem I mean after the boot there are NO hda* or hdb* files present ! ; I think here we have a major issue with UDEV and possible on ide HD.

Keep me posted because I will not make any further tests until I hear from you.