Comment 0 for bug 68546

Revision history for this message
ekravche (eugenekravchenko) wrote :


I'm having a problem with the OS locking up in edge eft. Here is the repro sequence

1) Create 2 accounts 1 user account and 1 admin account
2) start ubuntu
3) at the login screen log on to the user account with limited privs
4) Then using the ui Applications->System Tools -> New login (basically invoke new login)
5) login as the admin user
6) switch to the user account using ctrl+alt+f7 (you'll be prompted to enter the password since the screen gets locked)
7) play a movie or perform some other operation in the user account.
8) while the movie is playing switch back to the admin account using ctrl+alt+f8 or ctrl+alt+f9.
9) repeat steps 6 to 8, you'll see that eventually ctrl+alt+f8 will show a black screen for both the user and the admin accounts or the entire OS will freeze.