Comment 40 for bug 36014

Revision history for this message
John Trimble (trimblej) wrote :

I'm confirming that CPU scaling still does not work in Edgy with either the 686 or 386 images. I'm running an Inspiron 8600 Petium M 2.0 GHz. Both max_frep_scaling and min_freq_scaling are stuck at 600 MHz. Trying to set this manually via:

sudo cat cpuinfo_max_freq > scaling_max_freq

results in:

bash: scaling_max_freq: Permission denied

even though scaling_max_freq is writable by root. As suggested, I also tried:

sudo echo 1 > /sys/module/processor/parameters/max_cstate

and this also results in a "Permission denied" error. I've been having issues compiling the kernel so I haven't tried the patch that was posted above yet, but I'll try to do so later in the week.