Comment 4 for bug 29767

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Valentijn Sessink (valentijn) wrote :

Please test first: press Fn-F12 and wait. If your laptop *does* hibernate (but it takes obscene amounts of time, like 5 minutes or more), your disk cache is the problem. There are a couple of solutions and I'm not sure which one is the best.
- /etc/hdparm could help
- /etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf can have "CONTROL_HD_WRITECACHE" on. Turn this off (set to 0). IMHO setting it off is stupid in all cases. It's meant to prevent data loss but the chance of losing data is IMHO much higher if your laptop just keeps running forever trying to suspend to disk.
(btw, for me, the Fn-F12 key doesn't work at all on my X40, though it did on Breezy, this is how I found your bug)