Comment 19 for bug 27441

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David Mitchell (a-launchpad-admin-forestit-co-uk) wrote :

I have landed here because I have a 2GB (MAX possible) system which has gone into swap thrash mode. I know what has done it as I have launched about 15 python scripts, however it would seem that one cure would be to slow down the multitasking - at present it seems that a process is scheduled, starts swapping pages in and is then out of it's timeslot before it has loaded all the pages. If there was an option to slow down the task switching so tasks had a chance of actually getting all the pages swapped in and doing some processing before they are pre-empted then this might help! This could be adaptive depending on the amount of wait time on the CPU - at present my system is reporting

Cpu(s): 2.8%us, 2.8%sy, 0.0%ni, 34.3%id, 59.3%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.8%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 1013336k total, 996952k used, 16384k free, 2840k buffers
Swap: 4883448k total, 1810104k used, 3073344k free, 46136k cached

OK yes it only has 1GB at present but even if I put 2GB in it would still be oversubscribed...

(10.04 new install)