Comment 28 for bug 23445

Revision history for this message
Mike Hore (mike-hore) wrote :

This looks like the same problem I'm getting, in trying to boot the CD 6.06.1 live image on my 1.6 GHz iMac G5. After the initial series of messages under the ubunto logo, the fans spool up, the screen goes black and everything freezes needing a hard reboot.

I'm actually a bit astonished that this has been around since Oct last year and still not fixed -- after all it's hard and reproducible, and there are a lot of these machines out there. The main ubuntu page should have a warning saying it's currently incompatible with this hardware.

The instructions in the link in the previous message may well be helpful but as a Linux newbie with little spare time I don't really want to go down that road. I think I'll just come back in a month and hope someone's fixed it.

Cheers, Mike.