Comment 0 for bug 22457

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Mark Mc (mark-ubuntu-vaio-laptop-testing-bugzilla) wrote :

See for full details on
the machine spec

I have installed Ubuntu Breezy 5.10 pre-release. When I boot into Ubuntu, after
the very first initial bootstrapping loads, the HD light goes off, then comes
back on as Ubuntu boots up. After this point, the HD light remains continuously
lit. This is a nuisance, as you cannot tell when something is happening on the
disk, and when it is idle.

Interesingly, the CDROM LED works perfectly fine. I know that the VGN-A4xx
series has S-ATA hard disks, but I doubt the CD/DVD drive is using this
controller, so perhaps this is a SATA related problem?

If any further information is required for debugging purposes, please let me know.