Comment 27 for bug 21569

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Tormod Volden (tormodvolden) wrote :

Dapper flight 4: It is not necessary to run any wlanctl-ng command. However, you can not use the Networking GUI, partly because of bug #27823, and also because the resulting /etc/network/interfaces file is not complete/correct (for linux-wlan-ng at least). Detecting network names works fine (modulo bug #27171), but configuring encryption does not work.

I have to manually add this to the file (I really need all 3 items):
wlan_ng_key0 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
wireless_mode managed
wireless_enc on

Then "sudo ifup wlan0" works. Still, with this hand-tweaked interfaces file, I can not use the GUI to activate or deactivate the interface.