Comment 7 for bug 303670

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s1055032 (emeaweb) wrote :

OK then I understood the room I had to get was in my /boot partition.
Therefore, I used Gparted live CD to expand it.
At first a documentation about ubuntu was saying to make a /boot partition of 32 MB using ext3. I have expanded it to 130 MB and that's OK now.

I will do the same on my wife's laptop.

I just would like to add that having met that error in the past under Hardy, I was unable to find out a solution or even a cause (lack of room on /boot) on ubuntu forums. Of course some said I was lacking space. But nowhere I was able to find out that capital information : lack of room on /boot.

I just hope it will be usefull to someone.

Thanks a lot for your help

Kind regards