Comment 113 for bug 145112

Revision history for this message
John Cottier (j-cottier) wrote :

@Troy I can appreciate your point of view, but from our perspective we have had 3 months of no response from developers. Then told it wont be fixed in Gutsy, and now told its 'not our problem, go and complain to nVidia'. This is hardly kind to Ubuntu's long suffering users.

Somehow I cant imagine nVidia taking much notice of Joe Public, and to be fair why should they. We are not proffesional debuggers so for all they know the problem is not even with their driver, and we are not in a position to prove to them otherwise. Surely nVidia are more likely to take notice of professional bodies like Ubuntu/Canonical who's documentation and opinions would carry more weight and so more likely get noticed and acted upon. Maybe Ubuntu/Canonical could enter into dialog with nVidia over these issues.

But from the none technical users perspective its a case of install Windows and the graphics works ok, install Linux and they lock up (even though both drivers come from nVidia), which for whatever reasons is not a nice place to be. But realistically how can a non technical or none professional user tell nVidia their drivers are no good.