Comment 24 for bug 2060727

Revision history for this message
Aussems J.a.c. (ramcsir) wrote :

Hallo AaronMa (mapengyu),

In the first line of the file "/etc/apt/sources.list" file I can read:

# deb cdrom:[Xubuntu 22.04.3 LTS _Jammy Jellyfish_ - Release amd64 (20230807.1)]/ jammy main multiverse restricted universe

I follow the steps that you suggested.
I can tell you the good news, my keyboard is working again in kernel linux-image-6.5.0-1021-oem.

I notice during booting I get several error messages on the screen displayed, see attachted photo.
What is the source of these messages, BIOS or kernel, and could these be suppressed or solved so that they doesn't appear on the screen.